Dumping Bunnies is a Death Sentence

An hour ago, we got a call from Dr. Trickel at Hawthorne Animal Hospital.

Unfortunately someone dumped a bunny and the bunny, terrified and panicking, ran across the road to try and find some semblance of safety.

She promptly got hit by a car which ruptured her bladder and snapped her spine.

Another family then noticed her laying in the road. This was no cottontail, but a pet, so what was she even doing outside? They scooped her up and immediately rushed her to the vet where Dr. Trickel moved around her schedule to see her right then.

We agreed to take on this little bunny if she lived, but the odds weren’t looking good. Getting hit by a car at that speed would have severely harmed a human, so this bunny was obviously critical.

She didn’t make it.

She didn’t make it, not because of the family who accidentally hit her, but because she was dumped outside.

We want to reiterate again that domestic rabbits cannot survive outside, they’re not equipped to survive in the wild. Cottontails and domestic European rabbits are separate species like cats and dogs or hamsters and capybaras.

This bunny was scared. She didn’t deserve to be dumped and she shouldn’t have died. She didn’t even live long enough to get a name of her very own.

Letting them loose doesn’t make them free, it makes them dead.

If you are ever in a situation where you feel like that’s the only solution, no matter where you’re located, send us a message and we will help.


Toxic Houseplants

